Confession and Salvation
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"I now invite Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I receive Him as my personal savior and make Him the lord of my life. I thank Him for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.

Accepting the fact that all have sinned: I here and now before holy God, confess my sins, sin nature, and the sins of my ancestors which may have affected me. I repent and turn from all of my sins claiming the blood of the lord Jesus Christ for cleansing and protection from the accuser.

I ask the lord Jesus Christ to destroy all the works of the devil and all curses, which may have been put upon me. I renounce all other gods, taking back any place of ownership, which I may have given to Satan in my heart and life.

I declare my body to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto god. I submit my body to be the temple of the living God through the holy spirit to bring glory and honor to His name."

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1. Romans 3:23    2. I John 1:7    3. I John 1:8    4. Exodus 20:5    5. Acts 3:19
6. 1 John 1:9        7. Revelation 12:11,12    8. 1 John 3:8b    9. Gal. 3:13    10. Exodus 20:2-3
11. Eph. 4:27    12. Romans 10:13    13. John 1:12    14. John 3:16    15. Romans 12:1,2    
16. I Corinthians 3:16,17; 6:19,20.

This "Prayer of Confession and Salvation" has been prepared by: 
6730 Ricker Road, Jacksonville, FL, 32244