Ghost Busters!
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ghost-busters or spectral experts

These poor pagans don't know jack about what they are dealing with.  They are taught that they are reaching out to wandering spirits in the world.  These spirits accidentally come in contact with humans and scare them, causing problems. Their job is to sympathize with these spirits and negotiate with them to leave the area where they are bothering people.  They really don't have plasma guns. They use seances, crystal balls, and other occult junk.  AND they go around the house and yard sniffing for spirits.  But they can't get rid of any demons. They can only offer sacrifices to them to bribe them to leave. These are like the seven sons of Skeva in the Bible in Acts 19:14.

They don't have any authority to banish the spirits or demons. Only God does.  And the Christians whom he has adopted to be His children.  And they find out what's actually going on.  There is the king of all rebel spirits named Satan. There is a large hierarchy of spirits and humans.  They don't have the power Christians have, so they use lies to deceive humans who have less I.Q. than themselves.  These human believers can connect to God for guidance that makes them dangerous to the spirits.  The main purpose of these ghost busters is to parody these believers who use enormous power against this kingdom.  The Ghost Busters can get in trouble trying to use the believer's authority, as you can see in Acts 19:14-16.


edited: April 25, 2017